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Wow when I saw this I got all happy because the EXACT same thing happened to me. I'm on the Birth Control patch..I have been for almost 9 months and never had a problem up until this month. I'm supposed to get my period during the 4th week (my patch free week) but it came a week early, while still being on my last patch. I talked to my gyno. and she said I should be totally completely fine, as should you. I too took a pregnancy test and luckilly it said I wasn't pregnant. So I think our bodies might just be acting a little funny at this particular time or you just started your birth control, if you did then this is even more normal.

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Q: What could be wrong if you started your period a week early while on birth control and a pregnancy test was negative?
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Is pregnancy still possible after having a period and negative test?

No, a period and a negative HPT (used at the appropriate time) indicates no pregnancy.

You dont get a period because you are on the pill you tested negative but still feel pregnant?

If you're on the birth control pill and had a negative pregnancy test, it is not likely you are pregnant.

If you take a pregnancy test and it comes out negative but you the pregnancy symptoms Could you be pregnant?

You could by a small chance, but, you might also imagine the symptoms (phantom pregnancy). Or your pregnancy is too small at the moment. Try testing again in a week or two (when your period hasn't started). If still negative and you got the symptoms and no period then go see a doctor.

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If you did a pregnancy test and it was negative but you still feel tired, dizzy, and are five days over when your period should have started, you should take another home pregnancy test. You could be late because you stopped taking your birth control pills half way through.

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You put on a birth control patch a week late Can it make your period late?

Your period may be late if you started the birth control patch a week late. If you had sex during that time, you may be at risk for pregnancy. Take a pregnancy test to be sure.

Negative pregnancy test and two weeks late on a period?

Home pregnancy tests can occasionally have incorrect results. I would suggest waiting another week and trying another test. If the results are still negative and you still have not started your period, you should probably see a doctor.

Are the pains from an ectopic pregnancy sudden or do they take time?

I had an eptopic pregnancy last year! I did not know that I was pregnant because the results came back negative. I started what I thought was my period and it lasted about 7 days and then the pains started in. That is when I found out it was an eptopic pregnancy from an ultrasound.

Can a miscarriage be detected in a month of pregnancy because you have just started your period 10 days late and have had positive and negative pregnancy results?

yes, it happend to me.... i wish you the best of luck hun

You have had your period for four weeks now iv had a pregnancy test and it came back negative and im on birth control what is wrong?

Go to the doctor

You started birth control 10 days after your period and a week after your bf ejaculated inside you are you safe from pregnancy?

No. You need to start birth control BEFORE you have sex for it to be effective.

Can you be pregnant on birth control when you get your period?

If you conceived on birth control you would not get your period or would receive a very unusual period for you. If you suspect pregnancy, perform a pregnancy test.