Anything that seems to BE expensive. Like a enormous house (mansion) or a space craft or even the White House, or just even buyng tons of clothes.
1 billion dollars
about $338 billion dollars
During WW1, the Allies spent $58 Billion while the Central Powers spent $25 Billion. Britain alone spent $20 Billion while the US spent $17 Billion.
it costs 1 billion dollars to fix thats 590179000 pounds
The costs for America in the Vietnam war was $140 billion
$700 billion.
It costs of $ 2 Billion as per sources, but some inside people say it costs around $4 Billion.
The Guardian newspaper says it costs £1 billion. See the related link.
The rarest element in the world is astatine, and it costs $1 billion per troy ounce.
$300 billion. $299 billion of that was spent on condoms for Luke's mum.
roughly $100 Billion to cover the costs
1 octillion 1 billion billion billion