"Tom's Diner" by Suzanne Vega
When Karlheinz Brandenburg was making the final adjustments to the mp3 compression algorithms he used a CD of Suzanne Vega's "Tom's Diner" as a sample because its wide range of frequencies and Suzannes's vocal nuances made it easier to detect audio anomalies and artifacts from the encoding process.
ya mammas
The company that developed the first MP3 player was a Korean company called Seoul. The memory storage was around 32 MB along with expandable option of 64 MB.
Many people think that the first mp3 player was the Diamond Multimedia Rio PMP300, but it was actually the MP3Man, which was released in America a few months beforehand. The Mp3Man was made by Saehan/Eiger Labs, a Korean outfit.
South Korea
it was made by a girl that was so bad a maths and then she made the mp3 player
The first brand of MP3 player was made by Creative labs. Apple refined the design and produced the most famous, the i-pod. The first commercially produced portable mp3 player was the iPod by apple which also shows why it is still the number 1 selling mp3 player. However the first mp3 player for the computer which essentially is the first mp3 player (a computer that is) was software named AMP MP3 Playback Engine, That software was then reworked to become WinAMP which is still being used today.
This is often because your computer does not have the appropriate driver for your MP3 player. Try searching Google for the company that made your MP3 player and check their site's support page to see if you can find the driver.
it was made in the late 1990's and was pretty dull all there was , was radio and music
In 1987.
In 1997, developer Tomislav Uzelac of Advanced Multimedia Products invented the first MP3 player which was avalible to public in 1998.Picture of the first MP3 player:
it was made in germany
The first mp3 player