Cingular is derived from the words singular and cellular. Cingular was the very first wireless phone company and was also referred to as Cellular One.
The Cingular logo belongs to AT&T. The original logo belongs to Cingular Wireless that merged with AT&T in February of 2004. AT&T decided to keep the original logo for some time after the merger.
If you're talking about the gingerbread commercial, it's Steve Buscemi (of indie movie fame) and Norm McDonald (stand-up comedian and alumnus of Saturday Night Live). It's an ad for "Go Phone" by AT&T, formerly known as Cingular. If you mean "the more bars, in more places" series of Cingular Wireless commercials, with a single voice, it is stage and screen actor Stanley Tucci. I asked the company media group.
Research has shown that there is a company called Singular Wireless as well as Cingular Wireless. The Cingular Wireless has been taken over by AT&T and offers wireless services such as rollover minutes and family plans. If one is referring to Singular Wireless the business offers services such as DSL service, cable TV and internet service as well as phones and phone accessories.
stanly tucci
Cingular cellular wireless bought out AT&T in 2004. Cingular became AT&T and bought out the company for 41 billion dollars becoming, back then, the nations largest wireless mobile communications company.
Cingular Wireless LLC is the former name of AT&T Mobility LLC. The company is a subsidiary of AT&T Inc. The company was known as Cingular Wireless LLC from 200 to 2007
Cingular Excutive Rachel Adams.
Cingular is the name of a mobile phone company. It is AT&T Mobility and was formerly called Cingular Wireless. They provide wireless service to subscribers.
The Company Cingular Wireless LCC has been renamed to AT&T Mobility. The company Cingular Wireless LCC was active from 2000 until 2007 under it's name.
The Cingular company is a cell phone service provider. Since Cingular's inception however they have merged with fellow service provider AT&T and are now based out of Atlanta, Georgia.
Cingular is sold under the company AT&T and has its stock ticker symbol. The stock ticker symbol for this company is simply 'T'.
Cingular is derived from the words singular and cellular. Cingular was the very first wireless phone company and was also referred to as Cellular One.
New Cingular phones can be purchased thru AT&T as they are the same company. There are many different Cingular phones that one can choose from such as the HTC Windows phone.
Cingular Wireless is not a term, rather, it is a company. They were the largest cellphone company in the United States, originally owned by BellSouth and SBC Communications, who acquired AT&T Wireless, and later, the original AT&T. They then became branded as AT&T, and then, Cingular Wireless became fully owned by AT&T.
Cingular ringtones are a part of the AT&T company, AT&T is the largest wireless communications service provider in the United States with an estimated 50 million customers.