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Q: What comes in sets of three?
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Why does the electronic throttle control indicator light come on on a 2008 dodge caliber?

It comes on when the computer detects a malfunction and sets a code.It comes on when the computer detects a malfunction and sets a code.

How many sets of numbers go into 20?

Three sets

What comes in Sets of ten?

fingers toes

What comes in sets of 7?

Days of the week.

What is an abnormality where there are extra complete multiples of chromo sets?

Cells go by the number of sets that are in the body. Like haploid has one set, diploid has 2 sets, triploid has three sets, tetraploid has four sets, pentaploid has five sets and polyploidy is for three or more sets of chromosomes.

How many sets do women need to win at Wimbledon?

The women play the best of three sets. So, you need to win two sets to win. Men play best of five sets, which requires winning three sets.

Is pythor in the Lego Ninjago 2012 summer sets?

yes he comes in one of the summer sets

Can you form three more such sets?

no because you have chosen not to share the sets it is not possible to form anymore "such" sets.

What is a sentence using the word sets?

I like the way she sets the table. I have three chess sets. That boat sets high on the water.

What shape has three sets of parallel sides?

A regular hexagon has three sets (pairs) of parallel line segments that form it.

What animal comes in sets of three?

In nursery rhymesBlind miceLittle pigsLittle kittensOthersFlying ducks on a wall.The horses pulling a Troika.(see Sources and related links below)