The color that a Blackberry Curve comes in depends on the model. The colors included are black, silver, red and tan. You can also put a case or skin cover of a different color on it.
Yes there is a Curve 2 and it comes in two colors, black and purple!
The Blackberry Curve 8520 was first announced around July 2009. It was actually released August 2009.
4th october 2007
will there be a blackberry curve 4g?
The Blackberry Curve 9350 is 11 mm (paper-thin) with a display of 480x360 with 16.7 million colors which is very crisp and vibrant. Only drawback is reading it in sunlight.
The display of the Blackberry Curve 8900 has a diameter of about 2.4 inches (480 x 360 pixels). It is a TFT display that can go up to 65 thousand colors.
Blackberry curve 9320
blackberry curve
a blackberry bold is stronger than curve
A blackberry curve is a blackberry smartphone. This blackberry serie is named 'Curve', it has a little bit of a different design than the other blackberry. The first blackberry curve did not have a 3G connection, only WiFi. The latest blackberry curve is curve 3G/9300, it has a 3G and a WiFi connexion. It has BBM, of course, a web navigator, applications... Blackberry smartphone are very good ! And to finish, this is not a phone, this is a smartphone :)
this depends if you buy a blackberry curve 3g then yes it is better but if you buy the normal blackberry curve then blackberry pearl is better because it has 3g
Blackberry bold is better for work but if you just want for a normal phne i would choose the curve