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In "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas" everything about the Grinch is bad When the Grinch breathes even his breath appears ugly. Like his complexion, the Grinch's breath is green.

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Q: What color is grinch's breath?
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Depends on the creature, an ants for example is small as hell.

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The name of the dog is Max the Dog .

What are the main reasons why girls like the color of dog breath?

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What is a Dragon Breath opal?

It is an imitation opal made of glass that is red-orange in color.

What color would you expect BTB to be when pure water is added?

BTB changes color because of the CO2 in chemicals. When we blow into the BTB with a straw, the water vapor fuses with the BTB and change color. Our breath has some acidic characteristics. The BTB changes from blue, its original color to green-yellow, that's proof that what we breath has acidic molecules.

Why do people with red hair have bad breath?

Oh, that's just a happy little myth, friend. The color of someone's hair doesn't have anything to do with their breath. Good oral hygiene and drinking plenty of water can help keep anyone's breath fresh and pleasant. Just like painting, taking care of yourself is all about making gentle, positive choices.

Is carbon dioxide invisible?

here is a way to find out... breath in, then breath out... do you see anything?... no, the stuff you breath out is carbon dioxide.So the answer is yes... but when you can see your breath sometimes (usually in winter), that is because your breath is warm and the air is cold. Not because the cold makes carbon dioxide visible.

Why is your boogers green and mushy?

Actually they are already green due to pollens and polutants in the air, your nose is a natural filter for the air you breath and the mucus membrane that is in your nostrils sucrete mucus and, along with your nose hair trap unwanted material to purify the air you breath. So you see sick or not the color of snot, is what you have seen, the color of green.