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The black berry pearl has the colors of red, black, and a tint of silver and gray. It could also come in other colors like blue, green, or completely black.

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The Blackberry Perl has a full color screen. In this case, that means 64K Colours.

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No, the Blackberry Pearl isn't Wifi enabled.

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if you have t-mobile, go to T-zones, and search pimp my pearl and you can download it the safe way for 4.99

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You can purchase unlock codes for Blackberry Pearl 8130 from

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how to install a sim card to a blackberry pearl 8220

How can I get a replacement Blackberry battery?

Blackberry batteries are model specific. You can not use the battery from a Blackberry Pearl with a Blackberry Bold. The Blackberry Pearl and the Blackberry Bold require specific types of batteries according to the phone style and model number.