Cigarette ends remind you that you're fast approaching a stage where you could get lung cancer.
305s 520 (cigarette) Army Club (cigarette) Ashford (cigarette) Backwoods Smokes Basic (cigarette) Belomorkanal (cigarette) Benson & Hedges Camel (cigarette) Capri (cigarette) Capstan (cigarette) Cobra (cigarette) Craven A Davidoff Death (cigarette) Double Happiness (cigarette) Du Maurier (cigarette) Dunhill (cigarette) Elixyr Embassy (cigarette) Eve (cigarette) Export (cigarette) F6 (cigarette) Fatima (cigarette) Gauloises Gitanes Gold Flake HB (cigarette) Hongtashan Java (cigarette) John Player & Sons Kent (cigarette) King's (cigarette) Kool (cigarette) L&M LD (cigarette) Lambert & Butler Laramie (cigarette) Laredo (cigarette) Lark (cigarette) Liggett Select (cigarette) Longbeach (cigarette) Lucky Strike Marlboro (cigarette) Max (cigarette) Mayfair (cigarette) Memphis (cigarette) Merit (cigarette) Mild Seven Mocne More (cigarette) Morley (cigarette) Nat Sherman Natural American Spirit Newport (cigarette) Next (cigarette) Nil (cigarette) Noblesse (cigarette) Pall Mall (cigarette) Parliament (cigarette) Perilly's Pigeon (cigarette) Prince (cigarette) Pyramid (cigarette) Quest (cigarette) Raison (cigarette) Regal (cigarette) Richmond (cigarette) Romeo y Julieta (cigarette) Ruyan Saat (cigarette) Salem (cigarette) Sampoerna Seneca (cigarette) Senior Service (cigarette) Silk Cut Sobranie (cigarette) State Express 555 Sterling (Cigarette) Strand (cigarette) Superkings Sweet Afton (cigarette) Tareyton Tijuana Smalls Vantage (cigarette) Viceroy (cigarette) Vinataba Virginia Slims Vogue (cigarette) West (cigarette) Winfield (cigarette) Winston (cigarette) Woodbine (cigarette) Zhongnanhai (cigarette) Ziganov note: i am not a smoker and i hope you arent either because it will ruin your life :) just some advice
A cigarette is the entire object. The cigarette butt is what is left over after you smoke it.
hey dude look at the fuse box on the ends you will see a white clip on both ends pull them out and lift the fuse box and pull it will allow the fuse box to come out. On the top of the fuse box you will see the blown fuse for the cigarette lighter. It will be the white 15 amp in the middle of three. Replace the fuse, carefully re-seat the fuse panel and clip it back in.
The suffix of cigarette is "-ette."
Small leftover pieces of cigarette are called cigarette butts.
a cigarette dimp is the filter of a smoked cigarette that has been extinguished in an ashtray normally.
The Green Smoke cigarette is better than real cigarette, it has no tar in it but does have nicotine.
cuz the person might have bad breath then they pass it on to the person next to them then everyone ends up smelling likes pickles
cigarette: Small cigar
cigarette = el cigarrillo
tobacco is inside the cigarette.
What toxins are in cigarette ashes?