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On a shotgun what choke will open up more improved cylinder or modified?

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Q: What choke opens up more IC or M?
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What is a Water Choke Carburetor?

It is a carburetor where the engine coolant is routed through the choke system of the carburetor. When the coolant is cold the choke will close. As the engine coolant heats up it opens the choke.

Why is the choke plate on a 1985 Chevy Cavalier opening all the way up when you hit the gas?

The choke plate, besides aiding in providing a rich fuel mixture to the engine at start-up, also controls fuel/air mixture as the engine is running. When the accelerator is depressed, the choke opens to allow more air to enter the carburetor, thus preventing the engine from flooding.

Explain the role of cad in IC design?

The role of CAD in IC design is to make it more affordable. It does this by speeding up the process.

How does a choke work?

By cutting off part of the supply of air. This will cause the fuel/air mixture to be very rich. A cold engine needs a much richer mix than a warm engine. Once the engine warms up the choke opens up and the fuel/air mixture is restored to the optimum mix.

What is a sentence for the word choke up?

howdid you choke up a bird

How does the choke relay work on a 1981 Toyota corona?

the purpose of the choke relay is to supply power to the choke heater ONLY when the engine is running; otherwise if you left the key in the run position but the engine wasn't running the choke would open up even though the engine wasn't warmed up. then when you tried to start it, it wouldn't start because no choke. the control circuit for the relay usually comes off of the back of the alternator triad winding (alternator not turning=engine not running). without looking at a wiring diagram i can't tell you the details of the wiring but that's the idea of it- engine running turns relay on and sends power to choke heater and slowly opens up choke; key on but engine not running means relay is off and no power to choke heater. if the relay is not working, then no power will go to choke heater and the choke will stay on too long (or if ambient temps. are low it may stay on all the time). fast idle will stay on also as it is hooked up to choke linkage.

What is ic 7805?

7805 ic is a voltage regulator,up to 5 Volts can maintain

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Why does your 72 VW Beetle stop running when the gas pedal is pressed after the carburetor choke opens?

Choke linkage holds the throttle cable for a higher idle speed while cold. When you step on gas after choke is warmed up the throttle cable is released from the little cam type plate that has steps on it and allows the the cable to return to t's normal position. Sounds like the idle is set too low.

When do you need to use a manual choke on a car?

If the car has fuel injection you cannot use a choke. however if the car has a carburetor without a automatic choke that is when add a manual choke cable to the carburetor choke flap. When you pull the choke flap closed it limits the air flow to the engine allowing for the engine to warm up so so it can atomize the fuel for the engine to run more efficiently. This is important in cold weather you almost always have to use a choke to start the engine.

How a ic works?

I am assuming you are referring to an IC in the electronics sense (Integrated circuit). If so, an IC works by utilizing a large array of resistors printed onto many layers of silicon. By using these resistors an IC can perform many functions that would normally require a large amount of components. A simple IC may have only 2 or 3 resistors on it, whereas a complex one can contain up to 10,000 (and yes more are possible)