almost everything, breast tenderness, sensitivity to smell, hormones change causing you to get emotional or moody, appetite, some women get a stuffy nose for months. sexual urges will change. some womens sex drive increases and some women dont want sex at all.
Most women have some degree of impaired glucose intolerance as a result of hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy. During the later part of pregnancy (the third trimester), these hormonal changes place pregnant woman at risk for gestational diabetes.
She starts feeling it.
She starts feeling it.
She starts feeling it.
Mood swings during pregnancy are common due to hormonal changes. It's the reason that pregnant woman are commonly referred to as "Irritable."
Final weight gain
cardiovascular system
FETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME(FAS) only occurs if a woman drinks alcohol during her pregnancy. But not every child who's mother drank during there pregnancy gets born with FAS. However, by not drinking during pregnancy, woman can ensure that their babies will NOT have FAS or any other negative effects.
During a woman's menstrual period, uterine tissue sheds and is expelled from the body. This tissue, known as the endometrium, thickens and prepares for a potential pregnancy each month. If pregnancy does not occur, the endometrium is shed during menstruation.
No, not every woman leaks colostrum during pregnancy. Some women do, some do not. It is different with each pregnancy as well. A woman might leak during her first pregnancy and not her second or she might leak during every pregnancy or never during any pregnancy. Either way is NORMAL.
The menstrual cycle feedback loop involves the interaction of hormones like estrogen and progesterone to regulate the changes in a woman's monthly cycle. These hormones are produced by the ovaries and signal the uterus to prepare for potential pregnancy. If pregnancy does not occur, hormone levels decrease, leading to the shedding of the uterine lining, which results in menstruation. This feedback loop helps maintain the balance of hormones throughout the menstrual cycle.
A woman's total blood volume increases during pregnancy, which increases the blood pressure in the venous system. In addition, the hormonal changes of pregnancy cause the walls and valves in the veins to soften.