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Increase in the level of the oestrogen (mainly estradiol) causes changes in the uterine wall and cervical epithelium causing them to thin.

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Q: What causes the hegar's sign?
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What is the Hegars sign?

Softening and compressibility of the lower segment of the uterus in early pregnancy (about the seventh week) which, on bimanual examination, is felt by the finger in the vagina as though the neck and body of the uterus were separated, or connected by only a thin band of tissue Hegars sign: softening of the lower uterine segment between the body of the uterus and the cervix. Examiner feels this during the bimanual exam and happens when the fetus has not yet filled the lower uterine segment

What are possible alternative causes for Chadwicks sign Hegars sign Goodells sign Braxton Hicks or Ballottement?

Ballottement indicates an increase of fluid over the patella at the knee joint - this has more to do with an injury or infection and nothing to do with pregnancy. Braxton Hicks or practice contractions are uterine contractions not usually felt until the second trimester or third trimester of pregnancy - the only cause of Braxton Hicks is pregnancy. Chadwick's sign is a bluish discoloration of the cervix, vagina, and labia caused by the hormone estrogen, its presence is an early sign of pregnancy. Goodell's Sign is a softening of the cervix and vagina - an indication of pregnancy. Hegar's sign is a softening at the cervix (lower end) and the fundus (top of) the uterus - an indication of pregnancy. While similar conditions may have alternative causes - Braxton Hick's, Chadwick's, Goodell's and Hegar's are all found in pregnancy.

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It is caused by self-induced vomiting

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a ary toot is a sign that is startingto deay

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no vitamin causes bleed gum it is the deficiency sign that causes bleeding gum..

Is not being able to sleep at night an early sign of pregnancy?

No. You may have insomnia AND be pregnant, but there are so many causes of insomnia that it is not a sign of pregnancy.

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Fever is most often a sign of infection.

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that's a bad sign of engine trouble.

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Puberty is the cause. It is the sign that you are growning up and that you are becoming an adult.

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It can be, but stuttering can have many causes. Some think it may even be genetic.

What hormone causes chadwicks sign?

In response to the increasing levels of estrogen, the cervix becomes congested with blood, resulting in the characteristic bluish tinge that extends to include the vagina and labia. So, estrogen is the hormone responsible for a positive Chadwick's sign, however bloodflow is the reason it becomes blue.