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Q: What causes temperature differences between day time and night time?
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What causes temperature difference between daytime and night time?

The sun warms the surface of the earth during the day. At night, especially a clear night, that heat rises from the earth into the atmosphere, lowering the temperature.

How does the eaths rotation cause temperature differences during day and night?

Because the earth didn't have an atmosphere back then That answer is also right but their is another slip to it, the slip to it is that, their is a seasonal change in the atmosphere and if they didn't have a satellite the seasons wouldn't change, so that is also why we have satellites for electricity and the seasons...!

How does temperature differences between day and night?

It is always much colder at night than in the day because what makes the earth hot is energy from the suns rays. If the sun isn't there, it won't be as hot.

If the earth did not have an atmosphere temperature extremes between day and night?

if the earth did not have an atmosphere temperature extremes between day and night would be what?

How do the tilt of the earth the orbit of the earth around the sun and the earths rotation cause temperature differences between daytime and night time?

Because the side of the earth you're on doesn't face the sun when it's night time.

Differences between day and night?

Night is the absence of light.

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one of them tuch them selves at night

What weather is there mostly in Egypt?

Egypt tends to have a dry climate characterized by large temperature differences between day and night, relatively little precipitation and little fluctuation in the seasonal highs and lows.

Which planet experiences the greatest change between its actual day temperature and actual night temperature?

Mercury with a surface temperature of 700K in the daytime and 100K in the night

Is the movement of air primarly a result of pressure differences from the atmosphere?

Yes. The movement of air is the result of pressure differences in the atmosphere. The day/night cycle causes differences in the temperatures further creating the pressure differences in the atmosphere ... PRIMARILY.

What causes temperature change during day and night?

The lack of atmosphere on the moon keeps it from being able to hold heat. Therefore because the moon does not rotate the dark side is always colder than that in sunlight.

Why are there different temperature difference between day and night?

The sun provides warmth during the day, while the temperature drops during the night when the sun is gone.