

What causes body fat?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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9y ago

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Body fat is caused by the basic calorie in-calorie out process. If you are taking in too many calories and not exercising, your body will hold onto fat.

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Fat. This fat is used up by the body when there is no main energy left in the body. It is normally obtained from oily foods. But too much fat causes heart disease and obesity.

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Yes, if it contains sugar. Sugar is one of the causes of excess body fat. Therefore, in my own opinion, soda could contribute to belly fat.

Is body fat sugar?

No. Body fat is fat.

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Heart disease is caused by the bad cholesterol in unhealthy diets. Decreasing saturated fats will lower the body cholesterol that causes arthereosclerosis and blockages. Increasing monounsaturated fat, increases the good cholesterol in the body.

How can sports make you loose weigth?

The exercise from physical activity boosts your metabolism which causes your body to burn more fat.