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Getting hit in the face can cause a nose bleed, Dry air, a cold, a polyp or an infection. Some people are just prone to bleeding, the best action for that type of bleeding may be having the vein cauterized.

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Q: What causes bleeding sinus?
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Sinus pressure builds up from accumulated mucus that irritates the inside of the nose and causes sinus pressure. From there you have a full blown cold and can break down the mucus with medication.

What are the causes of bleeding when you purge?

The erosion of the esophagus is what causes the bleeding when you purge.

Can nose bleed cause sinus infection?

Yes sinus infection causes nose bleed.

Where do you find information about the causes of bleeding diathesis?

Information about Bleeding Diathesis can be found on the wikipedia article which has reliable information and the causes. Some of the causes for bleeding diathesis are excessive bleeding and a lack of clotting.

Sinus pressure causes ear Pain?

If you have chronic sinus for many months,your sinus infection spreads to eustachian tube.When you have the infection in eustachian tube,then obviously you will get ear pain.For chronic sinus,better you get surgery(Functional Endoscopic sinus surgey).

What causes external bleeding?

Bleeding occurring outside the body.

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Swelling or polyps/tumors.

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Intestinal bleeding may happen if someone has bleeding in their intestines. It can also happen in the stomach, which then causes black stool at times.

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There are many causes of gastrointestinal bleeding. They include colitis, which is inflammation of the bowel, as well as parasites and irritation.

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Some of the most common causes of bleeding gums is lack of flossing and gingivitis.

What causes face and nose bones to ache?

This could be a sinus problem, or even a sinus infection. The pressure of the sinus congestion can definitely cause this type of pain. But since there are other causes of facial pain, you need to see your doctor of sinus medications don't help relieve the pain.

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no vitamin causes bleed gum it is the deficiency sign that causes bleeding gum..