If a man urinates a lot, it is usaully because the person has probably has drank a lot of liquids over a period of time.
no. if you drink a lot of water it causes you to go to the bathroom a lot and it makes your pee white.
you will pee a lot if you drink lot of water
Pee wee is the most cutest guy . he is HOT !!
they pee a lot but not ALL they time:)
No, this is not possible.
Alcohol is an extremely effective diuretic. (It causes you to pee a lot.) Therefore it lowers the body's water content.
Yes I think so cuz I myself pee a lot. Yes I think so cuz I myself pee a lot.
A lot! Like in 3 hours,pee!
They will leak if you pee a lot and do not change it.
Well It is common for a a guy to pee after having a errection unless your partner is into the "peeing" fetish , sure why not . take a piss.
You'd pee a lot.