With firearms, the primer contains an impact sensitive explosive, such as sodium azide. The firing pin strikes the primer, crushing it, and the pellet of explosive. The resulting explosion serves to ignite the gunpowder in the cartridge.
With firearms, the primer contains an impact sensitive explosive, such as sodium azide. The firing pin strikes the primer, crushing it, and the pellet of explosive. The resulting explosion serves to ignite the gunpowder in the cartridge.
No. Something has to make contact with the primer or cause the primer to get really hot. Dropping or hitting a round, or throwing it into a fire can cause it ignite.
Cement can wick moisture from outside that will cause your paint to peel off. Look for a primer that will seal it first, then paint it.
Well......... As far as I know, a 209 primer isn't a paint primer at all. It is an ignition source for the powder in a bullet. There are a few different types, 209 being one of the most common. They're most commonly used in shotgun shells, and black powder rifles.
I am assuming that you mean primer for your eyes. Well primer goes on first to allow eyeshadow to fully show its colour and to avoid creasing throughout the day. Without primer, the eyeshadow will be faint and the oils from your eyelids will cause it to crease or gather in one spot.
The ignition key.
Yes, the ignition on a trailblazer can cause head lights to work improperly.
Temperature can cause damage to the ignition coil. Temperature which is above 150 degrees Celsius can cause a great damage to it.
Yes, it is possible for some chemicals to either cause, trigger, or exacerbate different headache types. Reading the primer label is the first important thing to do, and if there is any question about the cause or trigger of your headache, see a doctor or headache specialist for appropriate diagnosis and treatment.
A bad ignition switch, on your 1995, Mercury Voyager, will cause the vehicle not to start. In most cases a bad ignition will cause the engine not to turn over.
Ignition is required for an engine to work. Failure of ignition would prevent the engine working.
can a chevy truck with a 350 engine with a tbi cause detonation and pre- ignition?