Depends on the gun. It could be electrical power from a vehicle, an airplane, or a battery.
you can't there isn't a gun
It depends on what kind of gun you have. If it is a spring pistol or a mini electric, then you should use .12 gram bbs. If the gun is a LPEG (low power electric gun, such as those found in Walmart), then you should use .2 gram instead, as the power in the gun can break the .12 and pieces can get stuck in the gun. If the gun is a MPEG (mid power electric gun), HPEG (high power electric gun), or gas pistol, then it is recommended to use high quality polished bbs, especially for the HPEG, as these guns are very expensive and cheaper made ones can jam it. They should be around .2 to .25, depending on the power of the gun. For sniper rifles, they should use .2 and higher; these are very strong and heavier bbs allow for greater accuracy but less speed. You can find all these at a sporting goods store or airsoft store, but it is recommended to go to the airsoft store because they will have knowledgeable staff able to help you make the right decision.
When purchasing an electric brad nail gun, key features to consider include the power source (corded or cordless), nail size compatibility, depth adjustment settings, safety features, and ease of use.
only the appliance power
Generally, airsoft guns are divided into two according to its source of power to propel BBs, which are spring (mechanical)or pressurized gas. Automatic Electric Gun (AEG) or Automatic Electric Pistol (AEP) uses spring as the power to propel BBs. AEG/AEP use a motor to pull back the piston, compressing the spring. The motor itself use battery/ies to work.
Hydro-electric power
Item FEB24S2A Electric Wall Oven uses electric power.
power supply is a device that supplies electric power to electrical load
Astronauts use DC electric power produced by fuel cells.