Both are correct, you can say substitute for or substitute with.
A suitable substitute for linseed oil in oil painting is walnut oil.
Yes, you can substitute olive oil for vegetable oil in this recipe.
Yes, you can substitute vegetable oil for olive oil in the recipe.
Yes, you can substitute coconut oil for vegetable oil in this recipe.
Yes, you can substitute olive oil for vegetable oil in this recipe.
Yes, you can substitute vegetable oil for canola oil in the recipe.
Yes, you can substitute vegetable oil for olive oil in this recipe.
Yes, you can substitute butter for oil in this recipe.
A suitable substitute for salad oil in a recipe is olive oil, canola oil, or vegetable oil.
How much oil will substitute for 8 cups of butter
A suitable substitute for grapeseed oil in this recipe could be olive oil or avocado oil.