I would not worry about the pipe. However the weed definitely does.
It's a bowl with a pipe and then a 2nd pipe across from it on the other side of the bowl. Two people can smoke weed at the same time from it.
Tolkien referred to it as pipe weed. As a pipe smoker, it is presumed to be tobacco.
smoke weed with them instead
Yes you can. When you buy a bong or pipe from the store or online, they are actually made for tobacco. Although nobody actually uses them for tobacco. So any pipe made for tobacco, weed or whatever, is just fine for weed.
we usually say "pack a bowl" which is pack the pipe with weed so we can smoke it!
cause your mama is smokin' weed out that bong pipe
put orange peels in jar with weed
Hash pipe is a pipe used for smoking things called hashish, pot, weed, marijuana, or weezer.
Cause of the weed resin