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Depends on what model of iPod you have. The classics pretty much only allow you to listen to music, the video gives you the option to watch Music Videos or movies, the iPod new generation has a video camera so you can record, and the iPod Touch is almost a complete computer, which can play music and movies, surf the internet and use many other applications. OR you can jailbreak it!

Jail breaking gives you free apps, and movies and junk should get!

(i dont hav an ipod so i yeah)

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14y ago
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13y ago

The Apple iPod Touch is one of the best and most portable entertainment devices. The iPod Touch offers tons of features and has the ability to download many more applications through the iTunes store. It is similar to other models in that it can play music and video but also has abilities that no previous iPod offered. It proves to be the one of the best music players for the enthusiast. The main features present in the Apple iPod Touch are the touch screen, large LCD, wireless connectivity, email, video playback, internet browser, and of course music playback.

Many online and retail Apple stores offer the Touch with a few different sizes available for purchase. Although the Touch only comes in one color it is sleek and offers a very thin design for maximum portability. The Apple ipod touch is one of the few devices that have become a need and requirement of the on-the-go and mobile individual. The music quality offered by the Apple iPod Touch is excellent and gives a full range of the audio sound spectrum. The size of the iPod Touch is somewhat limited as it is flash memory based and the technology hasn't reached the level of some consumer's desires for ability in storing a large music or video library.

The iPod Touch has the ability to connect to iTunes, download your favorite music, upload your own music library, and to work with Podcasts. Applications can enhance the features of your iPod and thousands of applications are available from everything from games to work productivity. There are also many free applications available through the iTunes store to allow for download of some programs to review them before purchasing a full version. Synching your iPod is obtained in much the same manner as previous iPod versions. You can easily connect the iPod Touch to your PC or Mac to upload your music. Additionally the Wi-Fi feature built into the iPod Touch allows for wireless download of applications from the Apple app store.

You can easily upload pictures and movies for later viewing on your Apple iPod Touch. The web browsing capability available on the apple ipod touch makes it easier for you people to stay in touch with your favorite websites, friends, and relatives by using the internet. The battery is long lasting and can run through your favorite movie or playlist without needing a recharge. The touchscreen is very responsive and users can easily navigate through websites or device functions without too much hassle.

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15y ago

a lot..u can jailbreak it...and add lots of applications also add music,play movies,and pretty much make it an iphone if you know how to use

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15y ago

With an ipod touch, you can listen to music, play games and so on. There are some similarieties with it and the iphone such as you can store media and go online.

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14y ago

everything an ipod 3 can do and also take pictures and video

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13y ago

On an iPod touch 4g, you can play games, listen to music and you can also get the internet. Plus, the iPod touch 4g has a texting app.

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13y ago

the same as the 3rd gen but a face camera and a back camera and retina display

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