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i think that over all the best thing to do is to just be there for her, and explain what is happening to her in a way that she will understand. i hope this helps

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Q: What can you do to treat your daughter that is going through puberty at 6 years old Precocious puberty?
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1012 daughter has pubic hair is this normal?

Yes. they start going through puberty at age 11-12 so yes its normal!

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Can 10 year olds go through puberty?

No, it is not. The average age is 12 years in boys. Most probably you r not going through puberty. Precocious Puberty (early puberty) is rare but not unheard of so if your child has the signs of puberty at 8 years old then you should take them to the doctor to be checked.

How girls to be women?

By going through puberty.

My daughter is 11 recently has been going through mood changes she is also experiencing puberty but hasn't had her period yet is it possible for her to be PMSing?

yes, she probably is.

Who sings this - this is my life I'm going through changes?

people going through puberty?

What is going thourgh puberty?

Going through puberty means that your body will become sexually mature. You will grow in height and weight.

If your ten year old daughter just start growing breast and in one month they start to get bigger than normal should you be suspicious?

No--she is going through puberty.

Is jaden smith going through pobrty?

Yes. Jaden smith is going through puberty.

Does height growth stops after puberty or adolescence?

no, you still grow a little after you go through puberty, but you dont grow as much or as fast as when you were going through puberty

When you grow black hair on your legs does it mean that you are going through puberty?

well, growing hair on your legs does not necessarily mean that you are going through puberty. if you grow excessive amounts of hair on your legs, however, then it can indicate that you are going through puberty. if you are growing hair on other parts of your body as well (face, under arms, chest, pubic areas) then that means that you are most likely going through puberty

Is it sore going through puberty?

In General, Not at all.