If you aren't cheating on them and want to prove that then I'd suggest discussing it with them. Try not to get defensive or angry anytime you're talking about it because a person can take that as you being defensive because you're hiding something. Ask what they want you to do to prove you're not cheating and be willing to do those things, within reason, to show you're trustworthy. Ask what makes them think you're cheating too. If there are specific things that make them think that and you can explain each thing it may help to squash their suspicions.
I have found that the accuser should be the accusee. Meaning they are cheating and have a guilty conscience.
Ask him what he thinks of people who cheat on there partner and well you will no bye the way he ansers you
if you dont take your partner its cheating you
With having ADD, your chances of cheating on your partner do increase slightly.ALong with that, though, I do have to say that cheating is not something that can be blamed on ADD. Your ADD does not make you cheat, you choose to cheat. Therefor, yes, ADD does slightly impact the chances of you cheating. But it's not the total reason, or is it something that you should blame your cheating on.
That isn't the correct way to deal with a cheating partner. If you know your partner is cheating, and if you still want to make it work than you should probably separate for a for a while, but inform your partner that you still want this relationship to grow. Also you should ask the cheating partner is they want to make something out of the relationship. That is my best advice. Or see a therapist.
Yes, clearly. It's not really your partner -- more like your partner's twin. Same genetic material, but a different set of experiences, etc. Making out with your partner's twin would definitely be cheating, and so would this!
Only if your partner is understanding,
i will believe that my partner is not giving me the full concentration i need from partner/ and nothing she can say she must be lying always in this period.
Oftentimes, abusive partners will transfer their aggression physically and mentally. In addition to whatever abuse your partner is already giving you, this just might be one more thing. It could be insecurity, anger or hatred that is causing your partner to do this. Examine it but look out for yourself first! Your safety and well-being should always be a top priority!!!
The best thing to do is be up front, straight forward, empathetic, polite and honest. Cris' answer: You sit your partner down when you are alone and be honest and upfront. If you lie then you are cheating yourself.
There is nothing wrong with having privacy when in a relationship. If you are not cheating then you will not care if your partner wants to check in on you.
mope not unless the have sexual intercorse