Depending on your budget - the list is endless !... Perfume, jewellery, underwear, books, DVD/CD's, a car, a holiday....
the best car for a 16 year old girl is Nissan maxima. I will buy Nissan its very cool.answered buy a: 13 year old girl.
Books or music
You can buy fashionable and lovely clothing as a Christmas gift for a 20 year old girl at the Durant Square Mall in Oakland, online ,I think the brands good :,forvere 21,H&M and so on,cheap and good clothes
You can get her a bracelet or something.
Buy her clothes or jewelry. I am 11 but i still love that. If she is more tomboy get her video-games and stuff.
a big bag of crappolla
For Christmas? Well it depends what her personality is like. It also depends on what she likes or her interests.
Clothes! clothes! clothes! and more clothes!!
an iPod
eBay :)