Your Nose or A Faucet or a time preserving condimentual replacement of gradual extractmentation of the internal and external light slits of the theory of the space time continuaum.
you cant actually walk on any liquid but you can kind of run across custard if that counts?
A river
No you cant. Your blood will run to your head and you will injure yourself
they cant walk
you cant breath on the moon, can run fast, talk, walk with out space ger and helment full of oxigen, and cant jump on a trampelen or you mite jump of the moon vary low gravity. there are lots you cant do on the moon.
Oh, dude, that's an easy one. The answer to that riddle is "water." Yeah, water can run in a river or a stream, but it definitely can't walk. I mean, unless you freeze it and turn it into ice skates or something.
You can't Run, but you can Walk And Walk Faster
you cant walk on wheels
hospital even though you cant call hospital you can walk/run/ride there
Well, there is no real way to actually run on ROBLOX, but if you have a run tool in possession, just select it, hold down the left mouse button, and walk like normal. It will make you walk faster than normal. Also, some morphs and suits you can get as models make your walk speed faster (examples - a Sonic the Hedgehog morph, a Robot suit). Also, some gears you can find in games have secret ways to activate a run feature (such as in the game, Gravity Gun Fun, if you push the key "F" when you have the Gravity Gunselected, your speed doubles).
It is better to walk then run in the rain.