by exercise and drinking water regurlarly
Possibly, but you'll gain the weight back more quickly.
No albuterol has not been known to cause weight gain, but has been seen to possibly cause weight loss.
water is quite possibly the single most important catalyst in losing weight and keeping it off.
No she is alive and apparently well after losing a ton of weight. She had an undisclosed health issue last year that possibly led to the weight loss.
I Just Found Out That It Was For Tonalin CLA.
Possibly WATER Weight... You will gain it all back as soon as you drink anything. So it's more dangerous than anything.
Unfortunately, no, it is not really possibly to target specific areas of weight loss. However, if you aim for total body weight loss, it is reasonable to expect that your problem areas will improve along with everything else.
Malnutrition; possibly also starvation.
I've read and heard it was possibly an attempt at a weight loss program or regime. Though others have been worried and whispering of it possibly being a health hazardous illness. For now all we can do is hope and pray this is not the case and he will get better/more healthy.
A question like that can only be answered by your doctor or possibly your local pharmacist. It would be important to know the dosage of Keppra you are on, the weight loss medications you are intending to take and how your epilepsy is and state of health generally, including your weight.