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Q: What can pierce your ears without a hole?
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What can pierce ones ears without hole?


Does Kmart pierce ears?

Unfortunately, No Kmart does not pierce ears

Which ear should you pierce for 2nd hole?

Which ever one you want but in my opinion i think it would look good on both ears

Is there a way to pierce the ear without damaging acupuncture points?

yes . have your ears pierced by a pro.

Were can i pierce my petpets ears on petpet park?

I've been playing for A LONG time on that website, here's the REAL answer you can't pierce your ears. You'll never pierce your ears on PetPet Park. It's been two years old and I know there's NO way to pierce your ears, believe me.

Will claires pierce your ears for free if you have earring you want in the hole?

No, they'll still charge you for use of equipment, because everything needs to be sterilized afterwards.

What can peirce ones ears without a hole?

U can have whatever u like

Could Muslim boys could Pierce there ears?

no islam doesnt allow the boys to pierce their ears, wearing golds.

Can you pierce your ears at the mall?

There are shops and jewelers at many malls that will pierce your ears. Stores like Claire's and Icing are among them.

Where can you pierce your ears in japan?

The the earlobes?

Where can you pierce the tops of your ears?


Can you pierce ears at flea market?
