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It might just be hormones but always have these things checked out.

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Q: What can cause breast to leak?
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What medicine would cause you to leak breast milk if you not pregnant?

Risperdal can cause lactation

What can cause breast to leak if not pregnancy?

Your prolactin level might be too high

Does the use of Levoxyl cause milk to leak from your breasts?

I currenly use levoxyl to treat my hypothyroidism but as far as I know it does not cause milk to leak from your breast. On the other hand, pregancy, prolactinomas and/or adenomas of the pituitary gland do cause milk production. You should talk to your endocrinologist about this.

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What could cause your breast to leak a white substance and be sore and enlarging?

You need to see a doctor as soon as you can. There are a number of conditions that can cause these symptoms, but because one of them is cancer you should not delay.

Can breast implants leak?

Yes, it is entirely possible.

Can a leak in the Thermostat housing in a 2006 Dodge Stratus cause the vehicle to overheat?

Any coolant leak can cause an overheat.Any coolant leak can cause an overheat.

Why does my dog's breast leak milk and are swollen?

because it likes you and thinks you might enjoy its precious breast milk

What are breast pads used for?

Breast pads are used by lactating woman because after childbirth breast milk tends to sometimes leak out. These are place in a bra and absorb the breast milk.

Does deodorant cause breast cancer?

No they don't cause breast cancer

Does breast feeding cause breast cancer?

If you have breast cancer and receiving chemotherapy then you cannot breastfeed your baby.