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Many things can cause your ears to become infected. An infected ear lobe can be very painful, so it is better to look after them properly to ensure that they stay healthy.

There are many things that can happen when your ears are infected; they can be very sore to touch, ache, and become swollen or red, and the actual hole may be black/green/yellow and exude pus.

You can prevent these things from happening though. Good after-care is the key. Look after them they way your ear piercer told you to, and don' t share jewelry with friends.

It's a good idea to disinfect your ears at least one a week, inlcuding your earrings, after using them. And don't touch your ears with dirty hands.

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Q: What can cause an infected ear piercing?
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When you get the piercing done it might, and also if you manage to get it infected or rip it off your ear. But otherwise you should be fine.

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it is possible, any piercing can, but my ear lobe peircing didnt cause me to have fever.

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If your ear in infected it might sting a little, but normal cleaning them, no.

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NEVER take out your piercing if it is infected. Doing so can cause an abscess. The piercing will close and trap the infection inside

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A blow out only occurrs if the piercing is ripped or infected. a fresh piercing can blow out

Is it ok to use table salt instead of sea salt for an infected ear piercing?

No, you shouldn't be using salt on the piercing at all if it is infected. Wash the piercing using lathered soap, work the soap into the piercing and then irrigate the piercing with running water while rotating or shuffling the jewellery to rinse the soap and infected dishcharge from the piercing.

How can you tell if your ear piercing os infected my ear has been hurting lately and it keeps bleading and it hurts to put it back it Is it infected?

The area around an infected piercing may be swollen, reddish, sore to the touch, discharge puss or accumulate crust which returns after being removed.

What is the first sign of a infected ear piercing?

The first signs would be a combination of swelling, redness and possible smelly discharge around the piercing as well as pain or a throbbing sensation in the ear lobe.