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if you throw a knife it would cut through anything that is not metal or steel.

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Q: What can a throwing knife cut?
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What are some dangers of knife throwing?

There are a lot of dangers involved in the act of knife throwing. As one is literally throwing a sharp knife, one can cut themselves, whether minor or severe, as well as the potential of losing fingers.

How do you get throwing knife emblem on call of duty modern warfare 2?

get a game winning kill with a throwing knife

Which magic trick will be dangerous if the magician was a pony?

cut in half, sword swallowing, disapper acting, knife throwing

Will Call of Duty Black Ops have throwing knives?

well it has a tomahack which is like a throwing knife except its a ax not a knife and it also has a ballistic knife witch is also like a throwing knife

Where can someone purchase a throwing knife?

Someone can purchase a throwing knife from the 'Knife Depot' online shop. They have many knife throwing sets for prices between $10 and $50 that one can order online.

What is one of the most important survival items you can have in the hunger games?

Throwing knife! you can kill people, cut trees, prepare food!

How do you put throwing knife back up on mw3 ps3?

You press triangle, and it will put your throwing knife away.

Where is a throwing knife school in Minnesota?

There are knife throwing schools that are located in the mid-west, but none specifically in Minnesota. There are a few clubs in Minnesota for those interested in knife throwing such as The Willow Creek Throwers.

How do you get a throwing knife in call of duty modern warfare 4?

There is no throwing knife in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.

Which magic trick would become dangerous if the magician was a phony?

person cut in half, sword swallowing, disappearing act, knife throwing

What sport are knives in?

knife throwing

A weapon that can be throw?

Throwing knife