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Mossberg 500.

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Q: What butt stock will fit a revelation 12 ga model 310A shotgun?
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Where can you find assembly instructions for the Revelation model 310a twelve gauge shotgun?

The Revelation 310A was made by Mossburg same as the 500 just go to there website and download the 500 man

What other Butt Stock will fit a Revelation 12ga model 310A?

You want product #172820A at numrich gun parts corp.

What the value of a western auto revelation model 310a pump shotgun in good shape?

I got mine from a pawn shop for $140 although it was on sale.

What is the value of a 12 gauge revelation pump modified choke model 310A made for western auto?

50-200 depending on specifics

Who made the revelation model 310a for western auto supply?

Sorry I can't be 100% sure but 99% sure it was made by Mossberg. Most of the 310's were definitely made by Mossberg.

How old is the revelation 310A 12GA?

See: this may help you. It's a Mossberg 500A

Where can you find disassembly instructions for the Revelation Model 310A?

It may be mfg by Savage Arms...and they dont GIVE info on anything earlier than 1995(damn lawyers)....but they did have the addy to a gun historian: John Callahan 53 Quarry Rd. Westfield, Ma. 01085 try writing him a letter for answers...i just did about my 12ga side-by-side Revelation Model 460 hope that helps

Were to add hydraulic fluid on john deere 310a backhoe?

I the cab. The transmission fill also supplies all of the hydraulics.

What is the age of model 310a singer sewing machine?

My wife was given a model 223 that was purchased in 1963-64. It appears that this model was made in Japan, however the motor was made in Canada.

What years was john deere 310a backhoes made?

I don't know the beginning year for sure, sometime in the late 70's but the last year was 1982 and in 83 the B series came out with the single bucket cylinder and different canopy/cab etc.

Who was Ivan Cousins?

Ivan Cpusins met Dorothy D. McWilliams (sister to Julia Childs) at Bennington College in Vermont, later courted her in France, and married her on June 23, 1951 in New York. He served in the US Navy during WWII and rose to lieutenant commander. He piloted a PT boat in the Pacific. He was an actor and worked for the Economic Cooperation Administration, which administered the Marshall Plan. He was the proprietor of an English and American antiques business at 310A Caledonia in Sausalito.

How much oil does a John Deere 430 Diesel lawn tractor hold?

Engine oil = 9 qt Torque converter / reverser = 8 qt AW46 Transaxle = 19 qt or 20 qt AW46 (MFWD?) Reservoir = 44 qt AW46 These are refill volumes, more needed if lines are drained.