Information about the Net10 Wireless company suggests that they offer long range wireless calls. There are a range of pay as you go phones available on the Net10 Wireless website for customers. They offer the Samsung Gallaxy X III and the Apple iPhone on their front page.
"Net10 sells their phones on their website. However, Net10 phones are also available at Target and Wal-Mart. I did not see any other definite locations, but since they are for sale at Wal-Mart, I think they might also be for sale at Sam's."
TracFone provides four brands of service: TracFone, NET10, Safe link ... Time can be added using the phone itself ("Rapid Refill"), or at the company's website. ... All other phones can be use with either the $45 Unlimited plan or the $30 "All ...
What smart phones are. OmpTible with. Et10
Net10 phones are meant more for talking on the phone where you get a certain amount of minutes to use. Regular phones typically come with a specific plan.
Net10 phones is one of the newest phone companies on the market. They offer a cheaper alternative to typical phone services offered by their competitors.
Net10 & Tracfone lock the sims & the phones. So you couldn't even use a net10 or tracfone sim on another one of their phones.
VTech and Panasonic are two brands that are available in many retail and electronic stores. They produce great portable phones for home users with high quality audio.
Sprint has a large variety of phone choices available. The have phones available from all the major brands, including LG and Motorola. They even have smart phones available.
No there the same phones
AT&T has very good prepaid cellphones. NET10 is a good brand. Koodo has good phones. Prepaid cellphones can be a hassle, though. They run out of minutes and you're stranded with no contact with other people. It would be best to get a plan.