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A hypothesis requires confirmation to advance to the status of theory.

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Q: What best describes the difference between a scientific hypothesis and a scientific theory?
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What is difference between a hypothesis and a scientific hypothesis?

A scientific hypothesis has to be testable.

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What primary difference between a scientific theory and a hypothesis is that a theory is?

A scientific theory is more elaborated than a simple hypothesis and generally is validated by experiments.

What is the difference between a hypothesis and an opinion?

a hypothesis is a scientific word for prediction. An opinion is something someone says that is not a fact.

What is the difference between a scientific method and a recipe?

A recipe is a list of ingredients with instructions but a scientific method might be an hypothesis of what the recipe of the dish is.

What is the difference between a null hypothesis and a research hypothesis?

The null hypothesis is the default hypothesis. It is the hypothesis that there is no difference between the control group and the treatment group. The research hypothesis proposes that there is a significant difference between the control group and the treatment group.

What is the the difference between a scientific hypothesis and a scientific theory?

A scientific hypothesis is an educated guess of what will happen in the experiment. A scientific theory is someone's thoughts on why something happened in an experiment. However, this cannot be proven. The opposite of this is a scientific law. This is statement of what will always happen under the same conditions.

What is the difference between a hypothesis and a working hypothesis?

The difference is that working hypothesis is that your still working on it but the hypothesis that your not working on it.

What is the difference between a hypothesis a scientific theory and a scientific law?

A hypothesis is any concept concerning understanding something, anything. A (scientific) theory is a hypothesis which has been tested and found (so far) to be true. A "scientific law" is just a thumb-nail description of a theory (its never complete).

What is A testable proposition that describes a relationship which may exist between events?

A hypothesis is a testable proposition that describes a potential relationship between events. It is a statement that can be tested through scientific methods to determine its validity. Hypotheses are often used in research to guide investigations and draw conclusions based on evidence.

What is the difference between a scientific theory and a hunch?

A hunch is unsubstantiated. Scientific theory is theory in which an idea or even a hunch has been thouroughly tested- thru a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis, and results based on the scientific method. It is supported by other experiments and generally accepted by professionals in the field

How do you distinguish between scientific and nonscientific hypotheses?

Scientific hypothesis can be understand by scientific approach (using scientific methods & formulae etc) Nonscientific hypothesis is based on assumptions only.