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Q: What bars allow under age drinkers?
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How do you stop under age drinkers?

Call the police.

Can you take your wife to a bar if she is under 21 and you are over 21?

What is the legal drinking age in your state? Does your state allow under-age persons to be in bars? Does the bar owner allow under-age people in his establishment? If those questions can be answered in the affirmative then she can probably accompany you.

What age go to a bar in Washington?

21 to Drink. Although some dance clubs/bars allow you to attend at age 18. "18 to Enter, 21 to Indulge"

What is the age of someone who can allow another to drive under the age of 17?

they need to have passed their driving test

Is it illegal to join under the age of 13?

It's not illegal, but in any case, WikiAnswers doesn't allow users under the age of 13 to join.

Can you get married under age sixteen?

There are a few states that will allow it, normally with a court order.

How old do you have to be to go to gay bars?

This depends on the legal drinking age in your state and whether or not it is a bar or a dance club. Usually, gay bars (like straight bars) only allow people over the legal drinking age to enter. However, some gay dance clubs (like straight dance clubs) allow adults (18 years of age and over) who are still not allowed to drink to enter as long as they mark their wrists or hands with a sticker that indicates to the club's staff that a person is a minor and thus not allowed to drink.

What is the legal age to enter a bar that serves food and alolchol?

It depends on where you are. In most of Europe and large parts of Asia, children of any age can enter bars in certain circumstances although they are usually not allowed to purchase alcohol under certain ages (18 in large areas of Europe) Under U.S. law the age is 21 years old as a legal age to purchase alcohol but states have varying ages to enter bars and restaurants.

The Zero Tolerance law provides for an administrative suspension of your driving privilege if you are under 21 years of age and have a blood or breath alcohol concentration of 02 or greater?

The Zero Tolerance law allows for underage drinkers to lose their licenses if they have a BAC of .02. The adult level is .08, so underage drinkers face stiff penalties at a much lower BAC.

What age is Facebook for?

On there website it says "Facebook does not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from anyone under the age of 13 or knowingly allow such persons to register" so the age is 13 and olderThe above answer might be a bit difficult to understand!So this is what he/she is saying:On the Facebook website, Facebook does not allow anybody under the age of 13. You have to be over or exactly 13! Some people who are under age change their birth so that they look older! Naughty

If you are pregnant and under 16 can you get emancipted if you meet all the requirements?

Chances of you meeting the requirements under the age of 16 are pretty poor. First of all, only about half the states allow emancipation. Those that do, only a couple allow it under the age of 16. And you have to show that you have enough money or a job to take care of yourself.

At What age can you get into hookah bars in Illinois?