Traditional day is nothing but a day which is related with our traditions. To wear our tradition cloths.
Christmas is only an abbreviation of Christmas. It means exactly the same as Christmas and has no other meaning. Please see the Related Question, below, for more information.
Xmas is an abbreviation of Christmas. Please see the Related Question, below.
Environmental issues are negative aspects of human activity on the biophysical environment.
It is related to Santa and Santa is related to Christmas.
It is almost the same, save the Posadas held by more traditional families. See the related links section.
A homonym for duel is dual, which is pronounced the same way but has a different meaning related to having two parts or aspects.
In French, Natalie means "born on Christmas day". In Spanish, Natalie is also translated as "born on Christmas day". In Italian, Natalie translates to "Christmas child". In German, Natalie is used in the same way as in English, without a specific Christmas-related meaning.
Some common prefixes related to art are "neo-" (meaning new or recent), "multi-" (meaning many or multiple), and "macro-" (meaning large or long). These prefixes are used to modify and describe different styles, movements, or aspects of art.
Christmas may be related to marketing science. But it is more of a cultural matter than a scientific matter.
Australians sing Christmas carols, just like other countries with a Christian foundation do. Having said that, however, many "traditional" Christmas songs have been reworked and reworded to suit Australian conditions. One such version - Aussie Jingle Bells - can be viewed at the related link below.
Julbord is a special type of "Smörgåsbord" which is the standard Christmas dinner in Scandinavian countries.Julbord is a Swedish word literally meaning "Christmas Table". jul = Yule (today synonymous with Christmas)bord = table(check the related question for info on Smörgåsbord)