The fact that the data is qualitative or quantitative does not in and of itself have anything to do with its reliability.
frequency distribution contain qualitative data
Quantitative data is quantity - how much. Qualitative data is quality - is it good? what is it like?
A method of analysis using qualitative research data.
Qualitative data
Qualitative data is information that can not be measured, such as the colour of your eyes. Qualitative data descriobes
you can use bar charts,histograms and pie charts to display your data....
Qualitative data is information that is not in numerical form.
qualitative data
Quantitative data is quantity - how much. Qualitative data is quality - is it good? what is it like?
The fact that the data is qualitative or quantitative does not in and of itself have anything to do with its reliability.
frequency distribution contain qualitative data
Quantitative data is quantity - how much. Qualitative data is quality - is it good? what is it like?
There are various ways that you can display your work which will be determined by the nature of the work. The most common methods of display if on tables and on data sources.