Jack Daniel's 1866 Classic Amber Beer Six Pack unopened.
saw them for $60.00
I think that they should be worth something due to the fact that the man took the time to distribute the product
They are asking $2-$5 a can (unopened) on eBay.
According to experts, novelty beer cans like Billy Beer, JR Beer, and M.A.S.H. Beer have no value other than that of the aluminum that the can may be made of. Sorry.
3 months
They are currently selling online for around $60 a six pack
Whatever someone is willing to pay. I have 3 half racks of Stubbies from the last production run in Tumwater, 2 of those cases are unopened. I doubt I will ever retire off of them.
i bought a 6-pack at a yardsale today with a really neat leather belt for 5 bucks so i paid like 2-3 dollars for a unopened ringed 6-pack
There is no information on how much a Dale Earnhardt Jr. beer can is worth. A Dale Earnhardt Jr. beer can koozie is worth $5.99.