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As fat is one

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Q: What are two ways a human body can store excess calories?
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What happens when calories occur in excess in the body?

excess calories are stored as fat. smile* wiink*

What happens when the human body has too much energy?

Is that it escapes into the air and causes global warmingPeople do not exactly eat energy, people eat food which produces a certain amount of caloric energy when metabolized. If you consume too many calories you gain weight. since the human body stores excess calories in the form of fat tissue.

Is it easier to maintain weight after liposuction since there are less fat cells?

No!!! The body creates new fat cells to store the excess calories that you consume.

What happens when too many calories are consumed?

The body will store excess calories as fat. u get fat More calories to burn off; however, if one is not successful at burning off the increased calorie consumption, then fat results.

How do you eat calories and burn fat?

The truth as far as I know it the excess calories you eat are turned into fat. The trick is to eat less calories that you burn in a day there for the extra energy you need in a day will come from the stored fat on your body. If your activity is high the you can eat more calories . Low activity means lower caloric in take to lose weight and burn the store of excess fat on your body

Why do you have to burn calories?

Excess calories are stored in the body as fat cells. If too many of these acquire, a person gains weight as the fat builds up. Excess fat can cause health and body damage, so it is important to limit these excess calories by exercising and burning off some of them.

What calories means?

Calories are a measure of heat energy. Eating foods that contain calories allows your body to expend energy and to maintain body temperature. Excess calories are stored as fat.

Why must you burn calories?

Excess calories are stored in the body as fat cells. If too many of these acquire, a person gains weight as the fat builds up. Excess fat can cause health and body damage, so it is important to limit these excess calories by exercising and burning off some of them.

How is excess sugar stored?

Excess calories are stored in the body as fat. This is why it's bad to eat to many calories. Generally, 1500-2000 calories are all one needs to survive and not gain weight. This can change depending on height, weight, and muscle mass of course.

How human body deal with excess glucose?

The human body deals with excess glucose by turning it into glycogen, fatty acids, triglycerides, or energy.

What nutrient doesn't supply calories to the human body?

The Nutrient That Doesn't supply calories to the human body is the water.......

Do calories make you gain weight?

Yes, if you go over your daily maintenance(the amount of calories your body burns of daily) you will gain weight. If you can keep it at the same level you will maintain weight and if you go under your daily maintenance you will loose weight.