

Best Answer

1. They are illegal

2. They are used by people who want to feel good on the moment

3. They have undesirable long-term effects

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Q: What are three things that all illegal drugs have in common?
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What are three illegal drugs?

Three illegal drugs are: heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamines.

What are the three types of illegal drugs?

narcotics, hallucinogens, and some depressents

What do illegal drugs do to you?

they can get you arrested, for one. two: they can make you addicted, three: they can and will control your life.

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In my opinion, women, alcohol and drugs.

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It could be considered any of three things. It could be considered a medical drug because it is used to help glaucoma. But it can also be considered an illegal drug if you get it from a plant. On the other hand it can be legal if you buy it out of the store, in stores it is called K2.


Collectively, those three drugs are known as narcotics.

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What is the most common term for opium morphine and heroin?

Collectively, those three drugs are known as narcotics.

What are the three main drug categories?

There are more than 3 categories of drugs. If you could re-ask the question with a little more background it may be helpful. There are 3 catagories of drugs these are: Illegal Legal Both