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ohh sorry guys i forgot the answer if i could only find that stupid paper i always loose it haha sorry

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Q: What are three small ways that slaves rebelled against the slave system?
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Related questions

What were some ways that fugitive slaves rebelled against the 1850 fugitive slave law?

By taking advantage of the Underground Raiload (a system of safe-houses) to reach Canada and freedom.

Why were slave owners worried about rebellion?

If the slaves rebelled, the owners would lose their work forces. And maybe their lives if the slaves wanted to get back at them.

What were the weaknesses of the slave plantation system?


How did slaves and many free people fight the system of slavery?

The slaves and free people fought the system of slavery in riots, protests, boycotts, and acts of violence. They also fought against the south and slave owners until slaves were freed.

Freed slave abolitionist lawyer?

Freed slaves abolitionist lawyer fought against slave trade.

What ways did the African slave system differ from the colonial slave system?

The African slave system typically involved slaves being integrated into society and having the potential to gain social mobility, while the colonial slave system focused on dehumanizing slaves and perpetuating generational enslavement. Additionally, the African slave system often relied on war captives or debtors, whereas the colonial slave system relied heavily on transatlantic slave trade.

What happened to a slave owner who worked a slave to death or beat a slave to death?

Slave owners could not be tried in court. There was no law against the mistreatment of slaves.

Who is slave?

A slave is someone that is made to work against their will. Slaves were normally looked down upon and treated as lesser beings.

Who is a slave?

A slave is a person who is owned by someone else and is forced to work without pay. Slavery involves the complete control of one person over another, often with little to no freedom or rights for the enslaved individual. It is a form of exploitation and oppression that has been historically prevalent in many societies.

Why didn't slave owners want to free their slaves?

It Was Against The State Of Law In The South

Who was an abolistionist who wanted the slaves to rise up against their slave owners?

John Brown

Why was thomas clarkson against the slave trade?

because he did not like the way the slaves were treated