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If you are looking for a credit card that gives you cash back on your purchases you should think about getting a Discover card. Depending on your credit score they give you different rates of cash back.

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Q: What are the top cash back credit card companies?
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Related questions

Which credit card companies offer cash back rewards?

There are several credit card companies that offer cash back rewards to customers. Companies such as American Express offer 5% cash back on one of their range of cards.

What credit card companies offer cash rewards?

Several credit card companies offer cash rewards including CIBC cash back credit card, Scotia Bank Rewards card and PC Financial Credit Card. Other companies with cash rewards for their credit cards include Blue Class Preferred Card American Express and Chase Freedom Visa.

What rewards do credit card companies offer besides airline mileage?

Credit card companies offer many different rewards for using their credit cards. A popular deal now is the 'cash back' reward, which actually puts cash right back on your card or in your account.

What credit card companies offer credit cards with cash back?

There are several different companies which offer cash back and other rewards these days. In order to find out their policies on this sort of stuff, do research on the different companies.

What credit card companies offer cash advances?

There are a number of credit card companies that offer cash advances to customers. One can get them from Citi credit cards, Commonwealth Bank Credit card and the HSBC Credit Card.

What cash advance companies offer a credit card?

There are many credit card companies that offer cash advances but not as many cash advance companies that offer credit cards. Some of cash advance companies are Payday Loans and Advance America.

What credit card companies offer cash back?

American Express, Bank of America, Capital One, Chase and Citibank all offer cash back credit cards. You can find out if your current credit card company or bank offers a cash back credit option on their site.

How can one apply for a cash-back credit card?

There are many ways in which one would be able to apply for a cash-back credit card. One would be able to apply for a cash back credit card on sites such as "Credit Cards".

Can you get cash back with a credit card?


Where can one get credit cards with cash back?

Many banks and companies offer credit cards with cash back. Some such credit cards include the Chase Freedom Visa, the Citi Divident Platinum Select, and the Blue Cash Everyday Card from American Express.

How does credit card factoring work?

credit card factoring is a form of cash advance between small business and the credit card companies to provide cash flow for the small business as they wait for the card purchase to clear the credit card company.

What is a good business cash back credit card?

The best cash back business credit card is probably the Citi Dividend platinum card. Blue cash preferred by American express is also a good card to check out.