France Billard
same number of holes
The reference to "three holes in the ground" (and its response, "well, well, well") derives from ITCH's song Well, Well, Well, Three Holes In The Ground.
Black holes are generally categorized into three buckets - the largest being called supermassive, the 'medium' being associated with stellar evolution and called 'stellar mass' black holes, and the smallest or tiny ones called "microscopic" black holes.
They are called "black holes".
The holes on your sneakers are called 'eyes'
it is obviously the three regis because the statues have three dots and it is also three doors not three holes
Dormie is a golf term used in match play to signify that one player's lead is the same as the number of holes left to play (For example, when a player is three holes up with three to play, two holes up with two holes to play, etc.).
I do not know if they have a musical name but they are commonly just called Recorder Holes.
It is by New Seekers and is called "Free to be you and me"