Well it depends what symptoms ??
No, that is a symtom of your period. I know it is wierd. Pregancy symptoms are period symptoms :)
tell me all symptoms before getting your period?
yes, many woman have had these symptoms and think it is because of there period. but it could also be from stress or that your pregnant
One of the symptoms of pregnancy is not getting your period.
A period during pregnancy is not hereditary however it is never a normal period. It's simply a light period or vaginal bleeding. Pregnancy symptoms are not hereditary. Every woman will experience different pregnancy symptoms and the same woman may have different symptoms in different pregnancies. There are things that go on during pregnancy which can be symptomatic and hereditary, but these are separate from the symptoms which indicate pregnancy.
U bLeed
U bLeed
They can be either
what i mean is, have those symptoms before and during period, but not all the time.