Symptoms of unhealthy menstruation can vary greatly.
Generally speaking if you experience irregular cycles, heavy bleeding, menstrual cramps, sickness, etc. during menstruation these are all signs of a problem.
The symptoms typically start a day or two before menstruation, usually ending when menstruation actually begins.
PMS is a socially constructed illness, it's a vague collection of symptoms attributed to menstruation that can be a result of your feelings towards menstruation. The first step in surviving menstruation is thus changing your attitude towards menstruation and learning more about it. You then look at individual symptoms to determine if they are actually related to menstruation, and look into how to prevent any negative symptoms.
You don't want to alter that, it's unhealthy.
what are the signs & symptoms of an unheathy person
update your doctor every physical, or call If your concerned about something.
You dont get your period on time?
Could be, most likely it is PMS.
someone with a lot of health problems or are fat
There are over-the-counter pain killers, like Midol.
it soothes your cramping and calms symptoms of PMS. :)
PMS is a nonsense term, it is not a specific condition but a term used to describe around 150 symptoms mostly consisting of negative symptoms associated with menstruation - often this is about social ideas surrounding menstruation. There is actually no scientific evidence that PMS exists, and outside of Western medicine PMS is unheard of.If you have symptoms before menstruation then you simply have those symptoms, there's no reason to use the term 'PMS' because that term doesn't explain anything about what you're experiencing other than that you're seeing symptoms before your period. Things like breast tenderness and cramps can be symptoms of upcoming menstruation if you have hormonal imbalance.
You can eat whatever you want during menstruation, there's no reason to restrict yourself if you don't want to. People suggest to avoid salty and spicy food during menstruation to people who experience bloating and cramps during menstruation as these things can worsen symptoms.