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nausea heartburn and sleepynes

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Q: What are the symptoms for the first month of pregnancy?
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How long after sex can you get pregnancy symptoms?

The first sign is missing your period. But after you have sex you have a month maybe a month in a half til you start having symptoms.

Can pregnancy symptoms stop and restart in the first two months of pregnancy I had a late light period and pregnancy symptoms then no symptoms and the month after positive pregnant test?

Yes - go to the doctor and ask them to do a test because it is more reliable

What are the common symptoms and changes in the pregnancy stomach during the first month of pregnancy"?

During the first month of pregnancy, common symptoms include fatigue, nausea, breast tenderness, and frequent urination. Changes in the stomach may include bloating and slight expansion due to hormonal changes, but the baby is still very small at this stage and not visibly noticeable.

Can you still have morning sickness when your 6 month?

You shouldn't. Most pregnancy "symptoms" such as morning sickness will fade after the first trimester.

Can you have pregnancy symptoms in the first week like just little signs?

Can you have pregnancy symptoms in first week after having sex

What month of pregnancy could possible the pregnancy symptoms starts?

well pregnancy symptoms can start prior to period. 1week before your period symptoms may be seen. fatigue,nausea,frequent urination are the signs you can notice.

Watery mouth sore brests and dizziness symptoms of pregnancy?

Tender breasts maybe, but not the other symptoms. Often pregnancy symptoms start as a result of the increase in hormones after a month or so of pregnancy. If these persist, though, check in with your doctor.

Can you have a period the first month of pregnancy?

No. A mild bleed in the first month of pregnancy is usually due to implantation, and can mimic menstruation.

What does it feel like when the semen impregnates a woman?

Nobody feels anything when fertilization first occurs. The pregnancy symptoms are more than a month away.

Can you show in the first month of pregnancy?


Are there any symptoms of pregnancy in the first week?

No it is far to early to say anything about pregnancy in the first week.

Can you feel any symptoms at the first week of your pregnancy?

No, it is completely normal to not get any pregnancy symptoms during the first trimester. Some women never get any pregnancy symptoms, while others get every symptom known to man.