You increase the risk of having an accident by 400 percent every time you use your cell phone when driving
over 5,000 a year
Too many accidents are caused by using a cell phone while driving so the states and local governments along with the police are passing laws against using the phone.
Many states have bills in progress to outlaw hands on cell phone talking and texting. That is because there is a linkage to increased accidents and deaths while driving using a cell phone. There is a study that concludes that cell phone use reduces your skills just as driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
The single biggest cause of car accidents while using a cell phone - is cell phones.
people should stop texting and talking on the phone while their driving it would really limit on the car accidents.
using ur mobile phone when driving
well it depends if your texting someone and your driving at the same time then you may cause 1 or if your talking to someone on the phone while driving but instead of you holding it you can put it on loud speaker and put it like on the passenger seat if its not taken and talk to the person who's on the phone and listen to them while your driving but keep your eyes on the road and for any 1 else who's in the car and is not driving then no it cant cause an accidentAnother View: No. It is the drivers USING the cellphones who cause the accidents.
After he was killed in a drnk driving accident, he was just another statistic.
Cell phone statistics can be compared online using many websites and sources that provide this information. Phone Statistics is one of the more reliable sites in this respect.
it not good to be driving wilted using your phone u can have a crash kill some one it to dangerous unless you have a car that has a phone devise so you can talk wised driving
Using a mobile phone without a hands-free device while driving is illegal in many places. Texting while driving is especially dangerous.
Most car accidents happen because people are careless. People also do things while they are driving that cause accidents, such as using cell phones, texting and eating.