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Q: What are the similarities and differences between the English and German?
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What are the differences between a German school and an English school?

German school children have to get to school earlier, but then get to go home at lunchtime. They also have to go to school on a Saturday- poor them!

What are the differences between an English Catholic mass and a German one?

One speaks German, other one speaks English. It is anticipated that the English Catholic has an older belief system, however the Germans might have collected more antiques to make their faith firm.

Are there any similarities between Hebrew and German accents?

There are some similarities, even though the languages are not at all related. See Phonological Similarities in Germanic and Hebrew

What are some differences between Germany and Australia?

Language, location, and size are examples of differences between Australia and Germany. For example, English versus German as prevailing language, southern versus northern hemisphere, and continent versus country number among the respective dissimilarities between Australia and Germany.

German letter symbols?

The letters are the same in German and English. The only differences are the Ä = ae Ö = oeÜ = ue ß = ss

What differences are there between German children?

No more or less than there'd be between children of any nationality.

What are similarities between the German Thanksgiving and the American Thanksgiving?

Both celebrate thanksgiving on their fortune first harvest.

What are the similarities and differences between a dingo and a German Shepherd in terms of their behavior and physical characteristics?

Both dingoes and German Shepherds are intelligent and loyal dogs, but they have distinct differences in their behavior and physical characteristics. Dingoes are wild dogs known for their independence and hunting skills, while German Shepherds are domesticated breeds that are often used as working dogs due to their obedience and trainability. Physically, dingoes are typically smaller and have a leaner build with a bushy tail, while German Shepherds are larger and have a more muscular frame with a distinctive sloping back.

What is the relationship between German and English languages?

German and English are both members of the Germanic language family, which means they share a common ancestor. As a result, they have similarities in grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure. However, they are not mutually intelligible, meaning speakers of one language cannot easily understand the other without prior exposure or learning.

What percentage of fries or Dutch is in English?

I'm not sure about the exact percentage, but English, Frisian, Dutch and German originally all derive from the Western-Gaelic language group, so there are definite similarities! For example: the English word Friend is Vjriend in Frisian, Vriend in Dutch and Freund in German.

How many languages existed in the Western Hemisphere in 1492?

Modern day linguists have estimated that in 1492 there was a range of Native languages that spanned between 2,000 to 2,200. They believe that the differences between them in vocabulary and grammar can be favorably compared to the same differences between English and German. Work to refine the spectrum of these Native languages continue to the twenty-first century.

What German and English language are both believed to be descended from which source?

German and English are both believed to be descended from the West Germanic branch of the Germanic language family. This common source explains many similarities in their vocabularies, grammar structures, and overall linguistic characteristics.