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Here are some signs of getting your very first period, don't stress, it happens to every1

: Height increases

: Feeling tearful


:Tender breasts

:Weight increases

: Under arm and pubic hair

: Heavy discharge ( clear or white stuff )

: tummy ache or cramps in ur lower part of your bely

: back ache

For more information go onto to it has advise, samples of pads and tampons ( liners as well ) Its a great website chockablock full of info and advice!!!!!

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Q: What are the signs of beginning your first period?
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I have brown discharges from your vajj?

If you are just beginning your period it is possible that this is the first signs of your period to start in a few days. I would suggest you carry supplies with you when away from home or put on a panty liner.

What are signs that you're about to get your first period?

Ok.... Depressed, cramps, discharge for a year, Moody, weigh 100 pounds, etc Thats all the signs I got before i had my first period (I'm 13)

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In the beginning of the world they were flightiness.

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Saving up food and making a nest

I have white discharge everyday but my body does not show signs of getting my first period.?

Depending on your age, your body might not show signs of your first period....... I was just 10 when I got mine but had no signs of it. Try to add parsley to your meals to speed the process up.

When should your second period come after you've started your first period. And what signs should you look out for before your about to have your period again?

Firstly, there is no telling when your second period will begin. They will be irregualar for up to 18 months after your first period. Secondly, there is not any signs to look out for but if you are worried it will come unexpectedly you could wear a pantliner.

How do you know when im going to get your first period?

Well some girls have signs before their period and before their first period. Every girl is different and some don't have signs but having signs means that your period is coming. ~Cramps ~Vaginal discharge ~Spotting (little bit of blood on your underwear) ~Headaches ~Backache ~Food Cravings ~Mood swings ~Fatigue ~Nausea

What are the beginning signs of puberty in a female?

Hair growing under arms and down there. you get your period and your breast will start to grow. Hope this helps!

Are pregnancy signs same as period signs?

yes there are some signs that are the same a period signs but the realy tell tale signs are. -missing out a period -breast suddenly growing

When would you start experience signs of early pregnancy?

After the first missed period.

After you start birth control for the first time do you consider spotting the first day of your period or actual flowing the first day?

spotting is the beginning of what will be your period.

When do signs of pregnancy appear?

Your symptoms of pregnancy will usually appear anywhere from the first week of your expected period to 1-2 weeks after your first week of expected period. Your first signs of pregnancy most commonly include: * missed period * tender/swollen breasts * change in color of the breasts * fatigue Here is a link to a website that will calculate the probability of your pregnancy: