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There are many side effects of continual use of marijuana. Some of the side effects of marijuana are extreme sleepiness, nausea, Asthma, and urinary tract infections.

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Q: What are the side effects of continual use of marijuana?
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What are two possible long-term effects of marijuana use?

There is no conclusive evidence of negative long term side effects associated with the use of marijuana. The euphoric effects of marijuana only last up to three hours.

What are some of the potential side effects of marijuana usage?

Marijuana usage has many potential side effects. These side effects include heart disease, a weakened immune system, lung diseases, seizure disorders, and it is not safe to use marijuana while breast feeding or pregnant.

Can amphetamine clean your body of marijuana with its side effects?

No. You can stop doing marijuana and use amphetamines instead, then it will no longer be in your system.

What are two effects of marijuana use?

Not sure. Why don't you try it?

Why is it unwise to use marijuana with alcohol or cocaine?

Marijuana use may mask the perceived effects of alcohol and cocaine when the drugs are consumed together.

What side effects does daily marijuana use have?

It can become a habit but if your not worried about that go ahead, it wont damage you and wont do anything bad except run through your cash.

What should a patient do who wants to try medical marijuana to relieve illnesses?

Patients who want to use marijuana to relieve side effects of cancer treatment should talk to their physicians and should carefully consider the benefits and risks, both medical and legal.

Can you have medical marijuana and morphine and does it lessen the effect of either?

It is possible to use morphine as a pain killer and also use marijuana as an anti-nausea drug; they are not antagonistic in their effects.

What are the effects of smoking marijuana on students in Fiji?

Smoking marijuana causes students in Fiji to have an increased appetite. Habitual marijuana use adversely affects their short term memory.

What sicknesses can an idividual get from smoking marijuana?

None unless you choose to smoke out of aluminum cans or aluminum foil. Inhaling the burning aluminum can cause blue lung. Otherwise, no negative side effects have been reported due to marijuana use so far.

What are the good side effects to marijuana use?

relief of pain and increased appetite, both of which occur during a body's fight against cancer and also the chemotherapy used to combat it. There is also recent evidence that the juice or sap from the marijuana plant is a natural and effective treatment for MRSA.

Is it true The effect of marijuana can be felt between 5 and 15 minutes after ingestion?

This depends on the method of ingestion. When smoking marijuana the effects can be felt almost straight away. When eating marijuana cooked in food the effects can be felt in 10 - 15 minutes or longer However long term effects are not seen until after years of continued use