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You will experience a bad taste, and a funky smell. You may get an upset stomach.

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Q: What are the side effects if Milk expires?
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Can you eat teriyaki sauce after it expired and not get sick?

you can only use it for 5 days after it expires. Warning: there might be some side effects

What exactly happens to milk when it expires?

When milk expires it will start to have a bitter taste and will become clumpy. You can use expired milk for baking or to make yogurt. American pioneers also used to use it as paint.

Is it good to drink milk after it expires?

No it could make you sick.

What are the side effects of simepar tablets?

Simepar tablets are used in the treatment of chronic liver disease. There are no listed or known side effects of the drug that contains milk thistle.

Can you drink milk after it expires?

You can but it will be really nasty :( It is possible that you might DIE.

What are the side effect drinking milk after having fish?

There is no side effects of drinking milk after having fish. In some countries, people believe that drinking milk after eating fish will cause a skin disorder. This is simply not true.

Is there any bad effects of sugar free?

Yes because you still need those fats and surgars. But if it is milk there shouldnt be any bad side effects.

What are the side effects of taking fish and milk together?

It affect the skin and sometimes causes intestinal disorder. Don take milk and eat fish or the vice visa

How does milk rot?

Milk rots when you leave it out in room temperature without cover or if the date expires. By the way if you know me, I'm Tuba Khan!